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A systematic literature review to identify and classify software requirement errors

TitleA systematic literature review to identify and classify software requirement errors
Author(s)Walia, G.S., Carver, J.C.
DetailsArticle: 2009
AbstractMost software quality research has focused on identifying faults (i.e., information is incorrectly recorded in an artifact). Because software still exhibits incorrect behavior, a different approach is needed. This paper presents a systematic literature review to develop taxonomy of errors (i.e., the sources of faults) that may occur during the requirements phase of software lifecycle. This taxonomy is designed to aid developers during the requirement inspection process and to improve overall software quality. The review identified 149 papers from the software engineering, psychology and human cognition literature that provide information about the sources of requirements faults. A major result of this paper is a categorization of the sources of faults into a formal taxonomy that provides a starting point for future research into error-based approaches to improving software quality.
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TopicsApplication, Requirements, Secondary Study