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Realising Evidence-Based Software Engineering (REBSE-2): A Report from the Workshop held at ICSE 2007

TitleRealising Evidence-Based Software Engineering (REBSE-2): A Report from the Workshop held at ICSE 2007
Author(s)David Budgen and Pearl Brereton
DetailsArticle: 2007
AbstractContext: The REBSE international workshops are concerned with exploring the adaptation and use of the evidence-based paradigm in software engineering research and practice, through a mix of presentations and discussion.Objectives: These were to explore both experience with, and potential for, evidence-based software engineering (EBSE); to consider how this might affect empirical practices in software engineering; and to work towards creating a community of researchers to practice and promote EBSE.Method: Three sessions were dedicated to a mix of presentations and interactive discussion, while the fourth was dedicated to summarising progress and identifying both issues of concern and actions to pursue.Conclusions: While we identified a number of issues, a key need is clearly to have a central repository to both provide information and to maintain a record of activity in this area.
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TopicsEmprical Practices and Evidence, Software Engineering